Tuesday 30 October 2018

Adjusted Risk Difference Estimation: An Assessment of Convergence Problems with Application to Malaria Efficacy Studies- Crimson Publishers

Adjusted Risk Difference Estimation: An Assessment of Convergence Problems with Application to Malaria Efficacy Studies by Mukaka Mavuto*, White SA, Mwapasa V, Kalilani-Phiri L, Terlouw DJ and Faragher Brian E in Open Access Biostatistics &Bioinformatics

A common measure of treatment effect in malaria efficacy studies is the risk difference, which can be estimated using binomial regression models. These models can fail to provide estimates, however, due to model failure or model convergence problems. Such failure most commonly occurs when the rate is close to 0% or 100% (a "boundary problem”) but can also occur occasionally even when the rate is not close to a boundary. This paper reports the findings from simulation studies performed to evaluate the factors that may contribute to model failure when using binomial regression to derive risk difference estimates.
Convergence rates were found to fall:
    i) As one or both efficacy rates moved towards a boundary value, irrespective of the number of covariates included in the model;
    ii) As the numbers of covariates in the model increased;
    iii) As the levels of correlation between covariates the covariates increased. In all circumstances, convergence was poor when the efficacy rate in either group was 90% or more.

Monday 29 October 2018

Biostatics: An Introduction-Crimson Publishers

Biostatics: An Introduction by Kshitij Shinghal* in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Biostatistics is an emerging field involving the application of statistical principles to a wide range of topics in biology i.e. process data related to living organisms. In biostatics, the principles of statics are applied to design and analyze experiments related to biological phenomenon. It involves the collection, summarization, and analysis of data from the above-said experiments along with interpretation and inference from the results. After performing a biological experiment data collected, lying in an unorganized way without analysis is of no use, unless it is properly sorted, presented, compared, analyzed and interpreted. For performing analysis, sorting and presentation of biological data, acquired from biological experiments biostatistics is serving as an extremely useful means.