Monday 11 March 2019

Design of a Novel Stepped Biconical Antenna- Crimson Publishers

Design of a Novel Stepped Biconical Antenna by Yashu Sindhwani in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics journals

Cone-shaped antenna's area unit is helpful for several applications as a result of their broadband characteristics and relative simplicity. This instance includes associate in nursing analysis of the antenna electric resistance and also the graphical record as functions of the frequency for a biconical antenna with a finite ground plane and a fifty fi  concentrical feed [1]. The motionsymmetry makes it doable to model this in axially interchangeable 2nd. Once modelling in 2nd, you'll be able to use a dense mesh, giving a superb accuracy for a good vary of frequencies.

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