Wednesday 9 September 2020

Introduction of Improved Maize Variety and Applying its Integrated Stem Borer Management Techniques in Ethiopian Somali Region_Crimson Publishers

Introduction of Improved Maize Variety and Applying its Integrated Stem Borer Management Techniques in Ethiopian Somali Region by Fano Dargo in Open Access Bio statistics & bioinformatics

The stem borer is one of the most destructive pests of maize crop. Research experimentations were carried out on maize to control stem borer. The experiment was 2x3 factorial experiments using randomized complete block design with ten replications. A total of two maize varieties (Melkassa hybrid 130 and local varieties) and three different stem borer management packages (Control, inter-cropping with cowpea and inter-cropping with Cowpea and Sudan Grass) were used. Data was collected on Days to maturity, Plant height, Ear length, Grain yield, Biomass yield, Harvest index, Biomass production rate and Grain yield per day. The results of analysis revealed that the interaction effect of Control mechanisms of stem borer and Maize varieties was significantly (P≤0.05) affected in all agronomic traits recorded except DTM, PH, EL and HI which is not significant. While, they were significantly (P≤0.05) affected by the maize variety. Treatment combination Improved Maize Variety (MH-130) mono-cropping gave the highest grain yield (4.70 t∙ha-1) of all the test treatment combination. While, the minimum grain yield (2.15 t∙ha-1) were observed in treatment combination Local Maize variety Mono-cropping. Grain yield had strong significant positive correlations with plant height (r=0.66**), Ear length (r=0.0.58**), Biomass yield (r=0.76**), harvest index (r=0.0.74**), biological yield rate (r=0.0.73**) and grain yield per day (r=0.96**). Based on objectively measured traits, farmers’ preferred Treatment 4 Improved Maize Variety (MH-130) mono-cropping was ranked the first (1.1), followed by Treatment 5 Improved Maize Variety (MH-130) inter-cropping with Cowpea (2.3) and Treatment 6 Improved Maize Variety (MH-130) inter-cropping with Cowpea and Sudan Grass (2.8). Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of treatment combination 4 Improved Maize Variety (MH-130) mono-cropping could be recommend for optimum yield and yield related traits of maize even though further testing is required to put the recommendation on a strong basis.

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