Wednesday 23 December 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


We wish all of you a very Happy Christmas and a smooth start to the New Year. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

Friday 11 December 2020

Western Literature on Stupidity Reviewed_Crimson Publishers

Western Literature on Stupidity Reviewed by James F Welles in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

 This review of the literature on stupidity demonstrates it has been and is a topic of interest among literati from Greek and Biblical times to the present. Recent writings on the topic are mostly anecdotal and with two exceptions indicate a lack of scientific analysis in the phenome-non.

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Meta-Analysis of a Very Low Proportion Through Adjusted Wald Confidence Intervals_Crimson Publishers

Meta-Analysis of a Very Low Proportion Through Adjusted Wald Confidence Intervals by Afreixo V in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

In this paper we will discuss the meta-analysis of one low proportion. It is well known, that there are several methods to perform the meta-analysis of one proportion, based on a linear combination of proportions or transformed proportions. However, in the context of a linear combination of binomial proportions has been proposed some approximate estimators with some improvements on low proportion estimation. In this paper we will show, with a simple adaptation, the possible contribution of several approximate adjusted Wald confidence intervals (CIs) for the meta-analysis of proportions. In the context of low proportions, a simulation study scenario is carried out to compare these CIs amongst themselves and with other available methods with respect to bias and coverage probabilities, using the fixed effect or the random-effects model.

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