Friday 19 July 2024

The Weird Human Sences


Well Known Facts

It is rather strange that the nature gave only 5 senses to the human beings. As everybody

knows these senses are: Dactyl -to feel the touch and vibrations, Smell-to feel odors, aromas,

Taste-to feel the tastes, Vision-to view the environment and feel the light and colors, Hearing-

to hear the sounds and noises.

 From physical point of view

The dactyl feeling is a transmission from sensitive nerves of our hands (predominantly,

but also by skin, body and legs) to the brain, where these feelings are transformed into brain

impulses. The range of this sense is between 10-15Hz to more than 20 000Hz depending on

the amplitudes of the vibrations. By this sense is also possible to feel temperature variations

is a very narrow band (-50 0-60 0C to +70 0-80 0C). The taste feeling covers: bitter, sweet, hot,

sour and salty and a small amount of combinations - at all 5 tastes.

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