Tuesday 3 December 2019

Problems Facing Local Engeering Companies in Nigeria- Crimson Publishers

Problems Facing Local Engeering Companies in Nigeria by Kingsley Akarowhe in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics journals

The engineering sector in any nation has a prior role to play in the attainment of nations’ goals and objectives. These objectives and goals ranges from economic, social and political domain. This makes it quite relevant because it also cut across all domain of human endeavour. Hence engineering companies plays similar roles. In recent time in the developing countries of the world such as Nigeria, the objective and goals has not been achieved due to bed eviling problems facing local engineering companies. It is in consonance with this fact that, this paper intends to investigate problems facing local engineering companies-low patronage and untimely payment of benefits, high tax burden, lack adequate equipments/machines, environmental and cultural induced challenges, political factor, and lack of competencies in service delivery and way-forward-collaboration with in the union, review of state of industry, awareness programmes, review of contractual framework. It was concluded that if the possible way-forward as enunciated by the researcher is implemented the problems facing local engineering companies will be surmounted.

For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/

Sunday 24 November 2019

Quinacrine and Berberine as Antiviral Agents against Dengue and Zika Fever: In Silico Approach- Crimson Publishers

Quinacrine and Berberine as Antiviral Agents against Dengue and Zika Fever: In Silico Approach by Vivek Srivastava in OpenAccess Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics journals

TDengue and Zika fever are mosquito-borne viral diseases that have rapidly spread in all over world. Currently there are no specific drugs for DENV and ZIKV infection. The recent outbreak of these viruses realized that there are major health risks, demands an enhanced surveillance and a need to develop novel drugs against them. Non-structural proteins NS5 and NS3 are essential for the replication of the flavi-viral RNA genome. Therefore its inhibition could be considered as a useful strategy for treatment of DENV and ZIKV infection. Quinacrine and Berberine had been docked with NS5-methyltransferase of Dengue virus and NS3 protein of ZIKV using Auto dock 4.2 tools. Quinacrine and Berberine showed binding affinity -6.83kcal/mol and -6.22kcal/mol with NS5-methyltransferase and -7.32kcal/mol and -8.03kcal/mol with NS3 protease of ZIKV, respectively. Observations discussion in review will be useful in designing single drug against both virus infections.

For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/

Untargeted UPLC-MS Downstream Data Processing and Statistical Analysis - Illustrated by a Pilot Study on Cognitive Impairment- Crimson Publishers

Untargeted UPLC-MS Downstream Data Processing and Statistical Analysis - Illustrated by a Pilot Study on Cognitive Impairment by TANG Xingyu in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics journals

This article is to introduce the procedure of untargeted ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS) downstream data processing and statistical analysis, developed and optimized in Singapore Phenome Centre (SPC). The procedure is illustrated by a pilot study on cognitive impairment.

For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/

Friday 15 November 2019

On the Efficacy of Chinese Herbs for Survival Rates of Breast Cancer Based on Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (Nhird)- Crimson Publishers

On the Efficacy of Chinese Herbs for Survival Rates of Breast Cancer Based on Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (Nhird) by Kun Chan Lan in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Bioinformatics Open Access Journals

Our research employs statistical analysis based on a large national database to study the efficiency of Chinese herbs for improving survival rates of breast cancer. People who used the four categoriesof herbal formula (安神之劑, 袪寒之劑, 袪痰之劑, 產之劑) seem to live longer in our database.

For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/

Structural Bioinformatics: A Brief Overview- Crimson Publishers

Structural Bioinformatics: A Brief Overview by Long Pei in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Bioinformatics Open Access Journals

In the past decades, many advanced bio-technologies have accelerated frontier research to explore biological systems including cell, the basic unit of life. Experimental exploration of cellular environment, however, will be difficult as it requires not only huge labor efforts and costs but also large number of samples for reproducible research. With large volume of available biological data generated, bioinformatics becomes an important hybrid science subject to support systematic and comprehensive data storage, processing and analysis. In joint with statistics and algorithms, biological data such as DNA sequences have been more efficiently processed by bioinformatics methods. Unlike sequential data, biological structures are usually more dynamic and stochastic, thus, structural biology is more challenging a task for bioinformatics.

For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/

Thursday 31 October 2019

A New Lifetime Model: The Kumaraswamy Extension Exponential Distribution- Crimson Publishers

A New Lifetime Model: The Kumaraswamy Extension Exponential Distribution by Francisco Louzada in Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics: Crimson Publishers- Open Access Biostatistics & Bioinformatics journals

Based on the Kumaraswamy distribution, we study the so called Kumaraswamy Extension Exponential Distribution (KEE). The new distribution has a number of well-known lifetime special sub-models such as a new exponential type distribution, extension exponential distribution Kumaraswamy generalized exponential distribution, among several others. We derive some mathematical properties of the (KEE) including quan tile function, moments, moment generating function and mean residual lifetime. In addition, the method of maximum likelihood and least squares and weighted least squares estimators are discussing for estimating the model parameters. By using the likelihood method a simulation study was made.

For more open access journals in CrimsonPublishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com/