Wednesday 26 June 2024

Again, about the Rhythms of Biological Processes


Biological rhythms are one of the components of the endogenous time of an organism as a set of all its temporal processes. Circadian, ultra- and intracardiac rhythms have such temporal parameters as latency, speed, period, duration and frequency, i.e., are temporary processes. They are superimposed on the directed time of ontogenesis and, together with monophasic processes, trends and cycles, determine the biochemical and physiological specifics of its certain periods. Numerous studies of the past three decades have contributed to the understanding of the types of molecular oscillators that shape cellular rhythms. These include: an oscillator of impulse activity in neurons and some endocrinocytes; an oscillator that reflects the circadian rhythms of the cAMP and Ca2+ content; redox oscillator and finally PER - oscillator, working on the basis of interactions of clock proteins [1-5]. The specificity of the interaction of these oscillators in cells of different tissues is gradually becoming clear: in endocrinocytes, in blood cells, in hepatocytes and adipocytes. However, the essence of the functions of the rhythms themselves as time processes is not clear enough.

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