Friday 14 June 2024

Genomics of Newly Discovered Leprosy Pathogen: Mycobacterium lepromatosis and Its Geographic Isolation in Mexico


Leprosy is a chronic dermatologic infection that has plagued human populations for thousands of years. Mycobacterium leprae, the etiological agent for leprosy, has puzzled scientists since its identification by Hansen in 1873 [1]. Leprosy is one of the leading causes of treatable neuropathy [2]. It has been affecting mankind since the earliest historically recorded identification and far beyond (2000 B.C, in ancient Indus civilization) [3]. Leprosy is also one of the earliest recognized diseases which have a proven association with the bacterial pathogen, M. leprae [3]. In 2008, a new bacterium, M. lepromatosis was discovered in Mexico which was also reported to cause leprosy [4]. M. lepromatosis was found to be associated with a typical severe form of lepromatous leprosy (LL), called Diffuse Lepromatous Leprosy (DLL) which is usually seen in the Americas [5-7]. DLL is characterized by an unusual form of immune reaction against the pathogen, called Lucio’s phenomenon, characterized by diffuse, non-nodular cutaneous infiltration with sharply demarcated skin lesions, which often gets infected to result in life threatening situations [8,9].

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