Thursday 27 June 2024

Copulas in Gene’s Relation


Genes are considered as segments of DNA that provide instructions for the production of specific proteins or RNA molecules. Genes can be related to one another in a variety of ways. These relationships can play important roles in the regulation of cellular processes and functions, as well as in the development and evolution of organisms. Gene relation refers to the relationship between two or more genes in terms of their function, location, or sequence similarity. In studying the expression and relationship of genes, researchers can get a sense of how gene-information is used to know cell functions and how changes in gene expression or regulation can lead to disease. As an example, co-expression analysis can help to determine gene-groups that are functionally related and may be involved in specific biological processes or diseases. Also, network analysis can be used to identify regulatory relationships between genes as well as to build gene regulation networks that control specific cellular processes. See also Allocco et al. [1], Elise et al. [2], Ruan et al. [3] & Song et al. [4], By interacting with each other, genes form a complicated network. The relationship between groups of genes with different functions can be represented as gene networks. Since the accessibility of the large gene expression data, several methods have been developed to analyze the gene-to-gene relationship. Copula approach is being used to study the relationship between the expression profiles of pairs of genes, since a copula is a multivariate model that can be used for explaining gene-gene dependence.

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