Tuesday 18 June 2024

Differential Mathematical Models of Intellectu- alization of Fast Flow Processes on Railway Elec- tricity Supply Networks



The problem of innovative transformation of railway power supply networks Is Investigated and the direction of researchrelates to the organization of differential mathematical models of optimization of procedures by control of high-speed technological processes of power supply of railways. A graphis proposed, whose logical structure adequately reflects the architecture of the computerized network for managing the power supply system and developed its differential mathematical model. On the basis of the principle of minimax, the optimal strategy of intellectualization of the power supply processes in each of the nodes of the computer network was developed for the cases of the worst combination of the intensity of the requests and the intensity of their service. Hereis a way to ensure that the specified performance of the individual no desands egments of theintelligent computer control network by exploring the extremum off unctionality, implemented in the field of T-images using differential spectra.

Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/oabb/fulltext/OABB.000555.php

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